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AWS/AWS 클라우드 자격증 공부

AWS 소개

by CodeMia 2021. 1. 21.

the benefits of AWS 

1 You only pay for what you use (Key Concept of AWS) 

2 offers massive range of services for every business 

  Basic elements: compute, storage, network security tools 

  Complex solutions: Blockchain, Machine learning, AI, Robot development platforms 

  Specialized tool sets: Video production management systems, Orbital satellites  



fundamental cloud compute model  

AWS can change the way your IT operates almost all modern computing centers around basic Client-server model . 


client-server model 이란? 

서비스 요청자인 클라이언트 서비스 자원의 제공자인 서버 간에 작업을 분리해주는 분산 애플리케이션 구조이자 네트워크 아키텍처 

basically client make request, and with permissions the server respond that request. 

clients requests anything. 

ex) rain pattern of South Africa 

lastest x-rays of your knee, travel videos..whatever is the business 



the server of the client-server model 

AWS에선 EC2 instance 서버임. a virtual server. 



on-demand delivery vs cloud deployments 차이는? 

on-premises data center: prepay, cannot change capacity easily  

aws: don't prepay for anything. don't have to worry about capacity constraints 




  • On-demand: as soon as or whenever required. [주문]식의, 이용자의 요구에 따라 네트워크를 통해 정보를 제공하는 방식 

  • delivery: 전달, 배달 

  • deployment: 효율적으로 사용, 배치  

  • validate(밸'리데잇) 인증하다, 승인하다, 입증하다 

  • legitimate (르,지'르밋) 적합한, 타당한 

  • buildout:the growth, development, or expansion of something. 

    • we build this discussion out 

  • on-premises (온프레'미시스) 기업이 서버를 클라우드가 아닌 자체 설비로 보유,운영 

  • recap: 보수하여 재생시키다 




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